Monday, October 12, 2009

All the good blog names are taken.

So yesterday was my 39th birthday and today I woke up in sort of a mini midlife crisis. I decided that in the upcoming year I will try and make many positive changes in my life so that on my fortieth birthday I can celebrate with a sense of triumph rather than one of despair. What better way to document these efforts and hopefully keep me motivated than to post in the blogosphere. Simple enough or so I think. I log into my google account figuring that they offer blogs since they seem to have the market cornered on just about everything in the interweb. Creating a blog url..not so easy, seems I am not alone in this endeavor. Twenty possible titles all involving being thirty nine or approaching forty have all been taken. A quick perusal of a sampling of these blogs results in something even more depressing. Most of them of few or no posts. Okay so with these words I am already ahead of most of the blogs inspired by a looming 40th birthday.

Most of my efforts will be around the pursuit of better physical health. Diet and exercise yada yada yada. After celebrating yesterday with a dinner of orzo risotto, way too much chocolate cake and a whole bottle of really good zin, today is the proverbial first day of the rest of my life. How did it start? Good enough a few cups of coffee in the am (not contemplating giving that up anytime soon) a bowl of shredded wheat and lowfat milk. For lunch a salad with spinach, roasted red peppers and a little bit of feta and tuna. Then off to the gym for a midday work out. The result 4 minutes on the elliptical before I talked myself out of it. The reason, I forgot headphones. Can't workout without a healthy dose of Jerry and the boys. So I took a sauna instead. Presauna weigh in 206 lbs. Yikes.

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