Monday, October 19, 2009

Week one is down

Well so much for posting everyday. I have to figure out how to post from my ipod touch as that is what I have at my disposal during most of my free time. Well I weighed in at 203 today which is three pounds lighter than last week which is good news. However, after many started diets I am fully aware of quick losses in the beginning due mainly to water weight that quickly plateau. That being said I'll take it. I was pretty good this weekend which is saying something as weekends are typically my downfall both in eating and drinking too much as well as not going to the gym. I went to the gym both saturday and sunday. 35 minutes on the elliptical on saturday and 45 yesterday. Drank a little wine on friday night probably around half a bottle. Probably had 9 glasses on saturday and 3 last night. I would really like to cut drinking down to two days max and only heavy on one day.

Did weight training for the first time in a few weeks today. I took it relatively easy.. two sets of about 9 exercises. My Ipod has the potential to be a valuable ally in this process. Not only in providing motivating tunes but with a couple of apps that I use to track progress. The first is and the second is Ifitness. The former is good for tracking food, weight and aerobic exercise and the second for weigh training exercises. I wish there was one app that combined them but so far I haven't found one.

I've also been trying to cook more at home to take some pressure off my wife and to make sure I have dinners that are healthy and nutritious. Last night I used my pressure cooker to make a lentil soup in all of about 20 minutes. These things are amazing. Every time I use it I kick myself for not busting it out more. They are super quick and energy efficient. And the results have been very tasty so far.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 3

Won't you try just a little bit harder,
Couldn't you try just a little bit more?
Won't you try just a little bit harder,
Couldn't you try just a little bit more?

Round, round robin run round, got to get back to where you belong,
Little bit harder, just a little bit more,
A little bit further than you gone before.

The above versus from "The Wheel" written by Robert Hunter for the Grateful Dead seem relevant for today. First because I did 35 minutes on the elliptical which is 5 more than yesterday. Second because I bought my tickets today to see Furthur in Wallingford, CT on December 11.

Trying to come up with a weight loss goal that is substantial yet safe and achievable. I think I've settled on 5 pounds a month. We'll see but if successful that could put me a my lowest college weight of 145 by this time next year.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 2

Well better news on the exercise front today, did the elliptical for 30 minutes and it said I burned 617 calories though I am very suspicious. My livestrong app on my ipod touch said 448 which is probably more accurate. Anyway today I found out that the 2010 Chicago Marathon is October 10 so that would be a pretty crazy way to end a year of self improvement. We'll see but it would be nice to shoot for. My wife and I tried the marathon thing the year before we got pregnant with my first son with not so great results. We got up to running about 9 miles but our bodies just couldn't take it. I think the lesson learned was get to a good level of weight and physical health prior to beginning a formal marathon training regiment. Walk before you can run as they say. Well thats it for today hopefully I will be able to do this every day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

All the good blog names are taken.

So yesterday was my 39th birthday and today I woke up in sort of a mini midlife crisis. I decided that in the upcoming year I will try and make many positive changes in my life so that on my fortieth birthday I can celebrate with a sense of triumph rather than one of despair. What better way to document these efforts and hopefully keep me motivated than to post in the blogosphere. Simple enough or so I think. I log into my google account figuring that they offer blogs since they seem to have the market cornered on just about everything in the interweb. Creating a blog url..not so easy, seems I am not alone in this endeavor. Twenty possible titles all involving being thirty nine or approaching forty have all been taken. A quick perusal of a sampling of these blogs results in something even more depressing. Most of them of few or no posts. Okay so with these words I am already ahead of most of the blogs inspired by a looming 40th birthday.

Most of my efforts will be around the pursuit of better physical health. Diet and exercise yada yada yada. After celebrating yesterday with a dinner of orzo risotto, way too much chocolate cake and a whole bottle of really good zin, today is the proverbial first day of the rest of my life. How did it start? Good enough a few cups of coffee in the am (not contemplating giving that up anytime soon) a bowl of shredded wheat and lowfat milk. For lunch a salad with spinach, roasted red peppers and a little bit of feta and tuna. Then off to the gym for a midday work out. The result 4 minutes on the elliptical before I talked myself out of it. The reason, I forgot headphones. Can't workout without a healthy dose of Jerry and the boys. So I took a sauna instead. Presauna weigh in 206 lbs. Yikes.